Arizona’s 13A & 13B (the Arizona Strip) are extremely well known for GIANT mule deer, because units 13A & 13B are managed the most conservatively in Arizona.
Here is a 1 1/2 old buck vs 4 1/2 year old buck in unit 13A.
In 1995, the Arizona Game and Fish Department developed their Wildlife 2000 Strategic Plan. At that time, the Arizona Game and Fish commission advised they wanted to emphasize harvest of older age class animals, reduce hunter densities, and higher hunt success for Game Management Units 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, 36B, 45A, 45B, and 45C.
Both mature deer, but the buck on the left is older and bigger.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has since added 3A/3C to the list of the Alternative Management Units. This was great news, but many hunters wanted to see more units managed more conservatively.
Most recently, the department is looking to add 17A to the list Alternative Managed Deer Units. Having more units managed under the alternative management plan is great news for all of us who value a quality experience.
No doubt, units 13A & 13B will continue to set the bar for Arizona’s Trophy Mule Deer Units, but the ability to have more units producing a higher age class of bucks will definitely make Arizona’s Trophy Mule Deer hunting options interesting in the future.