In 2014, Linda Kelly took here once-in-a-lifetime Boone & Crockett Record Book Desert Bighorn Sheep with us in Unit 15DN. Linda’s ram was officially measured at 168 6/8″ B&C points and was one of the largest rams taken in Arizona’s Region 3 during the 2014 Desert Bighorn Sheep Season.
Here is multiple days of desert bighorn sheep scouting and Linda’s Unit 15D Desert Sheep hunt in a short 8 minute video:
Linda Kelly’s Record Book Nelsoni Ram from Unit 15DN. Arizona’s Unit 15D continues to be one of the best Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunting Units.
As we evaluated the 2015 Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunting Units, we wanted to break it down into the 2 sub-species, so we would be comparing apples-to-apples. Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep are classified into Mexicana and Nelsoni sub-species. Typically, Mexicana rams don’t flare out wide, but tend to hold their mass throughout their horns and on average score better. Nelsoni rams tend to be all over the map with regards to horn structure, but they are most known for being wide, long and flared out.
Both of these rams are Nelsoni Desert Bighorn B&C Record Book Rams, but as you can see their horn structures are extremely different. (image credit Darr Colburn)
With out taking Arizona bonus points into consideration, here are our Top 5 Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep(Nelsoni)Units for 2015 with the 2 year average score & age class:
Unit 15DN (163″ 8 years)
Unit 15DS (160″ 6.85 years)
Unit 16A (165.5″ 8.35 years)
Unit 15CS (165″ 7.25 years)
Unit 13BN (160.5″ 7.25 years)
honorable mentions: 15CN & 15BW
A GIANT Mexicana Arizona Desert Bighorn Ram taken in Unit 22 with Jay Scott.
As we broke down the Southern & Central Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Units, we discussed it with our good friend Jay Scott at Colburn & Scott Outfitters. Jay knows many of these units extremely well and after talking with him and analyzing the Arizona Game & Fish Department’s desert bighorn sheep reports, here is our Top 5 Arizona (Mexicana) Desert Bighorn Sheep Units for 2015 with the 2 year average score & age class:
Exclusive Pursuit Outfitters takes Linda Kelly on here once-in-a-lifetime Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunt. Linda takes an official Boone & Crockett Record Book desert bighorn ram in Unit 15DN.