Watch as Cody Conklin arrows a big Arizona archery pronghorn at just 11 yards on the last day of his hunt. The big buck was on the verge of killing or seriously wounding this young buck.
Here is a Giant Arizona Bull we filmed while scouting for an Arizona Elk Hunt. Obviously, this bull won’t score well on a net score sheet, but there is no doubt, he is as big as they come!
Scouting is a huge part of increasing your odds on trophy animals, but big velvet bulls are not easy to keep track of. In fact, it is pretty much impossible to keep track of a free range bull. Bull elk can travel 5-50+ miles while traveling to their rutting grounds. Many Arizona bulls will cross over unit boundaries during this transition period.
Keep in mind, mature bulls frequently like to use the same general areas year after year, but it is NOT a given. This is where past knowledge can help you hone in on where to begin your scouting. Factors like feed and water will change from year-to-year, thus changing the landscape for a big trophy bull elk.