Category: Arizona Pronghorn Hunt
Largest Arizona Pronghorn taken in 2021

Arizona is known for it’s large scoring pronghorn antelope but over the past 30 years human enchroachment, drought & predation have taken their toll on the over all herd. The now shrinking herd is at near RECORD lows & Arizona is offering just 378 General Pronghorn Antelope permits for the 2022 season.
In 2021 Dave Seno purchased one of Arizona’s Pronghorn Antelope Governor Tags for the 2020-21 season. His tag purchase funds went directly toward helping our pronghorn antelope populations that desperatly need all the help they can get.
We scouted all across the state & ultimately picked out a big buck we called V-man. This buck was the largest scoring buck we guided & found in 2021. We can’t thank Dave enough for his tag purchase & for hiring Team EPO to assist him on his hunt.

If you don’t have the funding to purchase a governor’s tag there are still two great ways you can apply for Arizona pronghorn hunts. You can apply for the state draw tags via the Arizona Pronghorn Draw & the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle.
The HEAVY Buck was 90 inches
While scouting hard in 2014, we were able to find a big pronghorn antelope we called “The Heavy Buck”. He had great bottom in mass & was obviously one of 2 bucks were were looking at. Ultimately, decided to shoot another great buck that went 86 inches gross.
Shane Wright called us in 2015 after drawing an Arizona Rifle Pronghorn Antelope tag. We discussed the complex unit structure & the obstacles of finding a solid mid-80’s pronghorn. We mentioned “The Heavy Buck” was on top of our list to re-find & look at. Shane decided he was ready to hunt with us & we went searching for our buck.
After multiple scouting days & looking over several nice bucks, we were able to finally locate “The Heavy Buck”. He looked bigger than ever, but knowing he was the best buck we had seen in 2 years of scouting this unit, we did not press the issue. Being frank, it didn’t matter if he was 86 inches or 90 inches, he was the best buck we knew of in this unit, thus we didn’t want to attract any attention or bump him just days prior to the hunt.
Here is video of “The Heavy Buck” just days before we killed him:
We were able to relocate this buck in 2015 after several days of searching. He was big, real big.Any guesses on what his ground score was?
Posted by Exclusive Pursuit Outfitters on Monday, March 7, 2016
Opening morning found Shane, Chris (Shane’s brother) & myself glassing the last spot I saw The Heavy Buck. After a few minutes we picked out a doe & then he appeared. Shane & I raced around the pronghorn in the trees. Eventually we spotted him & he was well with in range. Click here to watch Shane shoot The Heavy Buck.