Largest Arizona Pronghorn taken in 2021

Arizona is known for it’s large scoring pronghorn antelope but over the past 30 years human enchroachment, drought & predation have taken their toll on the over all herd. The now shrinking herd is at near RECORD lows & Arizona is offering just 378 General Pronghorn Antelope permits for the 2022 season.
In 2021 Dave Seno purchased one of Arizona’s Pronghorn Antelope Governor Tags for the 2020-21 season. His tag purchase funds went directly toward helping our pronghorn antelope populations that desperatly need all the help they can get.
We scouted all across the state & ultimately picked out a big buck we called V-man. This buck was the largest scoring buck we guided & found in 2021. We can’t thank Dave enough for his tag purchase & for hiring Team EPO to assist him on his hunt.

If you don’t have the funding to purchase a governor’s tag there are still two great ways you can apply for Arizona pronghorn hunts. You can apply for the state draw tags via the Arizona Pronghorn Draw & the Arizona Big Game Super Raffle.